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About Me

Jen Band is the Founder and Executive Director of Playing for Others. Originally from West Virginia, Jen received her BFA in theatre with an emphasis in Children’s Theatre, from Marietta College, in Marietta OH. During her time there, she worked at camps for children with chronic and terminal illnesses. This life changing experience ignited a passion for both “camp life” and working with children with unique opportunities in life.


For the next 12 years, Jen worked at various camps up and down the east coast during the summer for both children with chronic and terminal illnesses as well as children with disabilities. During the school year she worked at the Children’s Theatre of Charlotte teaching theatre, music, and dance to children and teens of all ages as well as focusing on her greatest love, Directing.


In 2006, something greater was seeking to emerge. Jen began Playing for Others (PFO) with the intention of it being a one-time volunteer project. Now 9 years later with Jen's vision, risk-taking, and zest for all things creative, Playing for Others has grown into the most impactful, innovative, and transformational experience available for teens in Charlotte.


As PFO has grown, so has Jen's desire to share the powerful message of her life's work. Through speaking and leading the leadership compass, Jen's goal is to inspire, entertain, and ignite a passion within each of us to discover our own greatness and transform the world.

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